Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - MQA
About the company:
MQA was founded in 2012 in Riyadh, is a member of the Organization of Certified Auditors of Saudi Arabia.
The company provides high-quality audit and consulting services tailored to the specifics of the business, achieving a real increase in the efficiency and quality of the enterprise.
The basic principles of our work include a holistic approach, professionalism, confidentiality, objectivity, competence and integrity.
Our services
- Audit of financial statements and consolidated financial statements in accordance with local legislation and IFRS
- Audit of extraordinary financial statements
- Audit of resources obtained from the donation
- Audit of consolidation package
- Review of financial statements
- Audit for specific purpose
- Compilation
- Training and implementation of international financial reporting standards - consulting services related to the implementation of IFRS
- Report on internal control –- testing of internal organizational and accounting control procedures
- Audit closing balance – validation of specific financial indicators of a legal entity that is the subject of buying or selling
- Audit of projected financial data – showing potential sequence of events and possible future actions
- Internal audit outsourcing
Judicial accounting:
- Perform agreed upon procedures
- Arbitration services
- Perform financial review for legal conflicts
Tax consulting:
- Tax consulting regarding income tax
- Tax consulting regarding VAT
- Tax planning
- Zakat calculation
- Filing and appealing on tax and zakat
- Due Diligence studies
- Business plans
- Restructuring projects
- Feasibility studies
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Consulting regarding financing and borrowing
- Bookkeeping
- Intangible Assets valuation
- Business valuation
- Assets valuation
Our Leadership Team:
Abdulmajeed Alshareef
FinExpertiza Saudi Arabia
Ahmad Fathy
Assurance Dep.
Mohammed Fares
Департамент консультирования